****Re: Novel and Microsoft

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Thu Nov 23 09:41:22 MST 2006

On Wed, 2006-11-22 at 15:31 -0700, Dazed_75 wrote:
> I'm sure most have read the open letter from Novell, but if not you
> should:
>     http://www.novell.com/linux/microsoft/community_open_letter.html
> the corresponding M$ letter is nothing but doubletalk so find and read
> it if you must, but it wasn't worth the effort for me to seek it out
> again to put a link here.
This is a restatement of their original position and the only thing it reveals is that they felt a need to to respond to the community reaction.

I don't use SuSE so in that aspect, I am mostly unaffected.

I am bothered by by the agreement but I am of cynical nature so I fail
to see the positive aspects of this for Linux and can only conclude that
this was corporate motivated greed to advance their market share and
cash resources without any benefit to the open source community itself.
Thus in the end, while SuSE has never made it on to any of the systems
that I employ, the agreement ensures that it will never happen.


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