one "explanation" ruled out (was: Fwd: Ubuntu and Firefox Browser)

Mike Schwartz mike.l.schwartz at
Fri Nov 17 10:24:36 MST 2006

((forwarded by:))
Mike Schwartz
Glendale  AZ
schwartz at
Mike.L.Schwartz at

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Clayton Stapleton <clay4291 at>
Date: Nov 17, 2006 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: Ubuntu and Firefox Browser
To: Mike Schwartz <mike.l.schwartz at>

The ISP is not the problem because WindowsXP on this computer gets CNN with
no trouble as does KDE on Sabayon. I just installed Sabayon and do not seem
to any problems accessing the web.

You can CC this message.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mike.l.schwartz at
> Sent: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 08:30:29 -0700
> To: clay4291 at
> Subject: Re: Ubuntu and Firefox Browser
> Hmmmm, I just thought of something.
>     Is it possible that your ISP is a competitor of CNN?
> Maybe they just don't like cnn, and have somehow programmed
> their "internet service" to stop being "non-discriminatory", and to
> start picking and choosing what it will "allow" you to browse.
> I suggest (if you have wifi) to go to some place, like an airport
> or library (or some parks...) and try a different connection.
> (also some internet cafes, although there you might have to pay).
> Just an idea...   from
> --
> Mike Schwartz
> Glendale  AZ
> schwartz at
> Mike.L.Schwartz at
> PS:  I did not Cc: this to the list.
>     However, if you want to, I can [forward it there] (or, you can).
> --
> Mike Schwartz
> On 11/17/06, Clayton Stapleton <clay4291 at> wrote:
>>  Yes I think it is a DNS issue. It chokes on domain names. The IP
>> address
>> for google response fine but not for cnn.
>> Thanks,
>> Clay
>>> I can enter the IP address for google [...]
>>> [...] But it will not recogzine [...]
>> I may be in way over my head here, but it sure does sound like
>> a DNS issue.
>> I mean, if you give it a domain name, it chokes;  if it were able
>> to translate that in to an IP address, then (it seems) it would've
>> worked OK.
>> (right?)
>> --
>> Mike Schwartz
>> Glendale  AZ
>> schwartz at
>> Mike.L.Schwartz at
>> On 11/16/06, Clayton Stapleton < clay4291 at> wrote:
>>> "Direct connection" is selected.
>>> I can enter the IP address for google and it will open the google
>>> search
>>> page. When I enter a search item it will find it. But it will not
>>> recogzine
>>> When I enter I get the message:
>>>     "The connection timed out"
>>>     "The server at is taking too long to respond."
>>> Yes I agree it is Firefox the is the problem!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Clay
>>>> ifconfig and resolv.conf look ok (from recent post).
>>>> Since you're able to ping google, it appears that your network is
>>>> functioning properly, and your problem is with Firefox alone.
>>>> When you cannot access, for instance, what does it show/tell
>>> you?
>>>> In your preferences, General, Connection Settings, is Direct
>>> connection
>>>> selected?
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