Take the 100% Open Source poll WAS Video Cards
Craig White
craigwhite at azapple.com
Fri Nov 17 05:56:11 MST 2006
On Thu, 2006-11-16 at 21:10 -0700, Kurt Granroth wrote:
> JT Moree wrote:
> >>> works just fine. I don't know how many people on this list actually use
> >>> linux, let alone use it full time. I think there are only a couple of us that
> >>> are 100% linux all the time. Proves a point that even the linux groups still
> >>> use windows, so how am I to convince ceo's based on facts like that?
> >
> > That's a very good question. How many of us eat our own dogfood?
> >
> > Would everyone be willing to take a poll?
> > http://www.pcxperience.com/WebGUI/index.pl/polls
> I'm not 100% OSS, never was, and never will be. In the end, limiting
> yourself to one software development methodology (Open Source) or
> philosophy (free software) limits your choices far too much. I use the
> software that best fits my needs.
> Now this happens to be OSS products most of the time just because the
> quality and fit for my needs tends to be so high. But I'm wedded to any
> particular product.
> For instance, I use OS X as my primary home desktop. OS X may be a PITA
> to use as any kind of server, but it excels as a desktop. Just today, I
> had to watch some presentation for work which absolutely would not work
> under Linux (some combination of a newer RealPlayer and Flash was
> needed). I just opened up my Powerbook and was watching it within
> seconds... no muss, no fuss.
> So I'm using OS X yet I use Firefox for my browsing and Thunderbird for
> mail. Why not Safari and Mail.app? Well, I do use them at times.
> Firefox/Thunderbird just fit my needs better right now. If either
> Safari or Mail.app get better, then I will have no problem at all switching.
> At work, I use OSS products (via SUSE Linux) almost exclusively... with
> the notable exception of a handful of products that I must use that
> require Windows (MS VC++ for one project, etc). I don't use non-OSS for
> my day-to-day work since OSS software perfectly fits all of my needs.
just an FYI to Linux users willing to install proprietary 'BLOBS' as
Hans calls them...
Adobe's beta version of Flash Player 9 (Linux plug-in and standalone
player available)
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