Ubuntu vs. Apple [WAS: Re: Novel and Microsoft]

Mike Garfias mike at garfias.org
Mon Nov 13 09:17:42 MST 2006

Lets see:

Runs M$ Oriface (yuck, but needed)
Much better UI
Still has X11
Runs all the unix software I need
Doesn't hurt my eyes (Fonts rendered in X11 were horrific and caused  
eye strain [this has been awhile, hopefully its gotten better])
things just work - i don't spend hours trying to make something go

With your line of reasoning: If you can get OpenBSD to run, why the  
hell would you run linux?

On Nov 12, 2006, at 9:32 PM, Joshua Zeidner wrote:

> Macs are fairly popular, but the Mac crowd rarely intersects with  
> the Linux crowd.  This is probably due to the fact that if someone  
> could get linux running, why would they buy a Mac?
> -jmz

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