mod_rewrite virtual hosting question...

jon jon at
Thu May 25 09:30:37 MST 2006

So.... just to let ya'll know the exciting conclusion of my mod_rewrite 
adventure, I decided to use mod_vhosts_alias instead.

Doing a virtual host creation script would've been fine, but we're 
planning on hosting a ton of little websites. My understanding is that 
that many vhosts can cause performance problems.

For us, just having /var/www/sites/ is the simplest way 
to integrate this server into our (largely automated) production process.

In the end, all I did was add the following line to our apache2.conf:
VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/sites/%-2.0.%-1

(This is debian/ubuntu server, by the way...)

That was a good explanation of mod_rewrite, though, Alexander. I have a 
feeling that I'll be seeing it again. Maybe sooner than I'd like, now 
that I know what's possible.

	-- jon

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