What's wrong with my resume?

FoulDragon at aol.com FoulDragon at aol.com
Tue May 23 15:56:24 MST 2006

As you may have noticed from my general attitude of late, I'm having 
difficulty finding employment.

Since I'll assume most of you have been able to acquire technical employment 
in the Phoenix area, I figure you're a reasonable lot to ask.  If I were to 
post up my resume, would any of you be willing to venture opinions as to what's 
wrong with it?  (I'd send it directly to those who enquire, rather than dump a 
30k attachment on the list)

I'm thinking there must be some sort of door-opener skill I'm neglecting to 
include, or possibly I have to figure out how to make OpenOffice attach a $10 
bill to each resume I send out. :D

Two points which can be addressed without showing the whole document, feel 
free to chime in:

1)  What's reasonable for entry-level software engineer / programmer 
positions here?  I see all these cute "estimator tools" and studies claiming numbers 
which frankly seem to not jive with what people say they're willing to offer.  
I can see being lowballed, but I almost wonder if they're going way below 
lowballing so they can say "well, we tried, write us a H1B authorization."

2)  My resume gives another email address (hakfoo at gmail.com) because 1) I 
like the featureset of Gmail better and 2) I'm convinced even a free email site 
looks better than an @aol.com address. :/  Some friends insist I should get a 
firstname.lastname style address instead (the username I chose is an obscure 
cartoon character) but does that really make a difference?  Frankly, there are 
plenty of equally obscure addresses out there, especially at popular sites 
where all the good names are taken. :D

3)  Are there any employment agencies/temp firms that you'd reccomend?

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