Several questions about fonts

joe joe at
Thu May 18 17:00:49 MST 2006

Jeremy Reed wrote: 
> > QUESTION #4: Why does this command: xset -q <E> fail to show a list 
> > of font path locations?  This is all it shows: 
> > 	Font Path:
> > 	  unix/:-1 
> Check your X configuration. What does it have for FontPath(s)? 
> Also look at your X logs to see the font paths that were used.
> The above setting is for a X Font server. 
> Do you use xfs?

Thanks for your responses. - A couple of follow-up questions: 

Please forgive my ignorance, but ... 

How does one check the X configuration? 
How does one look at X logs? 
How do I know if I use 'xfs'? 

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