Gentoo and installfest

Alexander Henry alexanderhenry at
Fri May 12 09:34:12 MST 2006

---- "Wagner wrote: 
> Check out a live gentoo cd called 'pentoo' if you'd like to test gentoo on
> your system. 

Thanks for the info.

I run Gentoo myself at home.  I personally recommend Gentoo as the first "advanced" system to try over Slack or Debian.   The Gentoo wikis made me a better Debian user :).  They have the best documentation possible, with their constantly updating handbook and their wiki, which brings you up from a regular computer user to an advanced admin, fast. I've stopped by their chatrooms at 1am after doing something completely unrecommended, nuking all previous installations of GCC, which broke portage (their apt-get), and someone just helped me find a tarball to drop in which replaced it with a working 386-compiled binary of portage, and it worked enough for it to recompile itself with the new GCC linkage.

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