Notes re Open office & Linux/Win data

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Tue Mar 7 13:30:49 MST 2006

Mark Jarvis wrote:

> I've found out (the hard way) that while OO-Win has access to any and 
> all fonts installed in Windows, OO-Linux has its own set of fonts with 
> many of the common and popular fonts simply not available. The default 
> substitutions for common Windows mono-spaced (Courier New) and serif 
> (Times New Roman) fonts aren't too bad. The default substitution for 
> the sans serif font I used to use heavily (Arial), however, stunk. It 
> really messed up page and slide layout when I created something in 
> OO-Win, then brought it up in OO-Linux. Two other fonts, Bitstream 
> Vera Sans and Tahoma, however, are available in both and work quite 
> nicely.

It's also not too hard to put Windows TrueType fonts into X. Fun, fun.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at   |  |

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