CMS for family website?

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Wed Jun 21 20:50:44 MST 2006

On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 08:36:37PM -0700, Joshua Zeidner wrote:
> youve obviously performed an in-depth study of Plone...

Hardly. I did look into it. I was warned off Plone by... the Plone
website, which told me that it was NOT a lightweight cms, and could do
wonders but was not for the faint of heart, etc., etc. It looked nifty,
and I'd be back if I had a real reason to go there.

> Plone is nice because it has a huge community and there is a lot of well
> tested software for it.  Medium sized self contained apps work well with
> Plone...  if you want to get up an running with some nice stuff really
> quickly and don't have any major expansion considerations, It may be the
> right choice. jmz

And you get the added benefit of getting off the exploit-patch-exploit
merry-go-round of php and friends and into the nice friendly world of
python. Warm fuzzies!

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at   |  |

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