CMS for family website?

der.hans PLUGd at
Wed Jun 21 15:06:42 MST 2006

Am 21. Jun, 2006 schwätzte Darrin Chandler so:

> On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 01:48:59PM -0700, Alan Dayley wrote:
>> I like Joomla! but experience with the PLUG community, a generally tech
>> savvy group, does not give me confidence it will be friendly enough.  If
>> PLUGgers can't find how to submit new items, my non-techy family has no
>> hope!
> I've been using Drupal, and I think it's a bit more intuitive to add

I've also been using Drupal. I had been getting recommendations for it for
years and finally started playing with it at the end of last year.

Thanks to Drupal I actually add info to my personal web site ( something
I've generally never done ) and maintain several other sites.

The calendar module sucked because you couldn't do recurring events :(,
but 4.7 released about a month ago and there's a new recurring event
module :).

Drupal seems to be used by lots of non-tech savvy groups.

The LOPSA site is maintained by tech people with no patience :).

Speaking of LOPSA, an EFF job will hit the public side of the job board
sometime next week.

> content, etc. Built-in modules to a fair amount, and other modules cover
> everything else like calendars. Install and upgrade are pretty easy,
> too. If you can, install it and try it out. Needs php4/5 and
> mysql/postgresql, and likes mod_rewrite. If you do try it and get stuck
> on something feel free to give me a yell and I'll help if I can.

I believe that a few of the modules don't have postgresql setups, so one
is probably better off going with mysql for drupal.

Neither debian nor Ubuntu have the most recent versions packaged, so I
have installed via tarball. It's a pretty painless install.


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