OT: Engineering positions available

FoulDragon at aol.com FoulDragon at aol.com
Tue Jun 6 22:52:09 MST 2006

In a message dated 6/6/2006 6:40:25 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
alandd at consultpros.com writes:

>My employer, Adtron Corporation (http://www.adtron.com), is expanding
>our Quality Department and Engineering Department staff.

You have a Quality Department?

I'm trying to start a Complete Lack of Quality Department.  I'll be able to 
pick the biggest firms in the industry as clients:  AOL, Microsoft, and every 
large hardware OEM.

The Complete Lack of Quality Department will offer a full range of 
client-disposal solutions, ranging from deliberately underspeccing vital components by 
40 percent to an entire staff of call-centre operators who have been trained to 
speak in a remarkable combination of Southern Drawl and Bengali chatter.

As proof of our commitment to a complete lack of quality, requests for more 
information will be met by forty-minute hold loops of "A Horse with No Name", 
followed by transfers to seven representatives with no problem-solving 
authority, before finally reaching the office STG (Surly Technical Guy) who will, 
after significant mental assault, will release the information, on CP/M-86 
formatted floppies.

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