Digital Tablet

Craig White craigwhite at
Fri Jul 21 00:22:25 MST 2006

On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 23:59 -0700, Ted Gould wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 15:57 -0700, Carl Parrish wrote:
> > Okay I want to try my hand at digital drawing / painting. Anyone one
> > know of a digital tablet that works well with Linux? What software is
> > out there to use? I'm not a graphic artist so probably won't be spending
> > a lot more than $300.00 on it, but want something of reasonable quality.
> > Any ideas?
> The Intuos tablets by Wacom are nice, but if you're not doing serious
> art, the smaller Graphires are probably good enough for what you're
> doing.  The Wacom tablets work well with Linux, but you'll probably have
> to hand edit your xorg.conf file by hand to get it working.  There are
> lots of HOWTOs on the web.
> As far as software, Inkscape and GIMP both have pretty good tablet
> support.  Of course, it all depends on what you want to do.  I think
> most people had a good time using the Inkscape calligraphy tool with the
> Intuos tablets at SCALE.
shows how dumb I am - I never had to muck with xorg.conf but I haven't
tried it with fact, I hadn't noticed Inkscape until a few
days ago - apparently it got installed on FC-5 system - very nice.


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