Fedora core blah and Redhat v.whatever

reed at reedmedia.net reed at reedmedia.net
Wed Jul 19 18:24:30 MST 2006

> I am not nor have i ever been a redhat or fedora user, so i was 
> wondering if any one can tell me what the major difference is between 
> them? I am really interested in the command line areas but, all other 
> comparisons will be greatly appreciated. Ray 

Very little is different. Fedora is the community version. It has twice 
yearly updates (and many individual software updates also any time).

Red Hat is mostly based on Fedora. It has "enterprise" support basically 
meaning it is slower change and has professional assistance for it.

Basically the command usage is identical but Fedora may have some newer 
features and tools.

You may want to search google for a Fedora FAQ.

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