Flame War! -- IMAP Servers

Eric "Shubes" plug at shubes.net
Sat Jul 15 07:35:46 MST 2006

Nathan England wrote:
> The only real consideration is thousands of emails. Dovecot should be able to 
> handle this no sweat, but with only a few users testing the system it choked.
> The machine for the time being is not state-of-the-art by any means, but has a 
> 2.4GHZ p4 with HT turned off and 1 GB of ram. Our network is only 10/100 and 
> we are not looking into upgrading the switches to 1GB any time soon.

Since you have HT turned off, I presume you're not running an SMP kernel.

This sounds like something's not working quite right but eventually 
times out, creating large delays. I can think of two areas which might 
exhibit this kind of behavior - DNS and database access. My first bet 
would be database.

Are you using a database backend? FC5 uses MySQL5, which is different 
enough from version 4 that it causes problems similar to yours with 

-Eric 'shubes'

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