Flame War! -- IMAP Servers

Nathan England nathan at paysonlinux.org
Thu Jul 13 09:17:36 MST 2006


I have roughly 250 users and we would like the ability to keep email on the 
server. We don't have any specials needs and there aren't enough meetings to 
herald a calendaring effort, so basically only email storage. Currently I am 
using Fedora Core 5 with Dovecot for IMAP. Some users access through 
squirrelmail and others use Outlook Express. I am switching the OE users over 
to thunderbird (and the Office users over to OO.o - another story) and most 
users are utilizing FireFox.

The only real consideration is thousands of emails. Dovecot should be able to 
handle this no sweat, but with only a few users testing the system it choked.
The machine for the time being is not state-of-the-art by any means, but has a 
2.4GHZ p4 with HT turned off and 1 GB of ram. Our network is only 10/100 and 
we are not looking into upgrading the switches to 1GB any time soon.

I don't mean to start a flame war, I am truly interested in your experiences 
as the wealth of knowledge in this group is quite scary at times~!

I appreciate all questions, helpful ideas and bricks thrown my way!


P.S. As this information might help others I would like to keep it on list, 
but if any of you happen to work for local gov't, please contact me off list 
as I have further questions... storage/retrieval and auditing stuff for 

Nathan England
PaysonLinux User Group 
nathan at paysonlinux.org

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