ANN: Devel Meeting: Thursday, July 6th

alandd at alandd at
Wed Jul 5 11:43:02 MST 2006

The next PLUG Developer Meeting is July 6th.  That's tomorrow.

What: PLUG Developer Meeting
When: Thursday, July 6th, 2006 at 7:00 PM
Where: Adtron Corporation
4415 E. Cotton Center Blvd., Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85040
(Directions are available in the web site FAQ

Topic: A group exploration of the CXXUnit unit testing framework

Joseph has graciously consented to lead the group in an exploration of the
CxxTest Unit Testing framework for C++.  It should prove interesting for
all.  Unit testing is something more associated with languages like Java. 
That such technologies are developed and adapted to C++ (and C, maybe) is
a good thing.

Come contribute to the discussion!

I'll have a few books and a couple of official Kubuntu CDs to give away.


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