blue bay electronics

Dennis Kibbe dennisk at
Tue Jul 4 13:37:27 MST 2006

--- molossermom at wrote:

From: betty <molossermom at>
To: plug-discuss at
Subject: blue bay electronics
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2006 11:07:47 -0700

i am looking for a treo650 for alltel and don't want to get it from 
alltel since it is $100 more than from  resellers. has anyone used blue 
bay electronics (they are an ebay store) and have any input on them??
betty i.
research & information
for people who care for dogs



What's their user iD on eBay? I couldn't find an eBay store called bluebayelectronics.

The standard way to evaluate an eBay seller is to look at the feedback record; how many other buyers have been satisfied. Also, check their shipping and return policies before you buy. If they are a PowerSeller it's a sign that they are treating customers right and abidding by eBay's policies.

In the case of a cellphone I'd want to know for certain that it will work with my carrier.

eBay PowerSeller and member since 1998

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