Rails Bootcamp was --> Re: Local classes [Was: Re: O'reilly's learninglab worthwhile?]

Derek Neighbors derek at gnue.org
Tue Jan 31 14:25:18 MST 2006

Mark Jarvis wrote:
> Most of the community colleges offer an advanced *nix class, but it's 
> hard to get enrollees, so they're often offered only once a year. 
> (PVCC offers one spring semester only.)
> Computer class enrollment all over the district has been dropping the 
> last few semesters. This semester at PVCC, both basic Linux classes 
> (CIS126DL) and the advanced Linux class (CIS238) were dropped due to 
> too few students signing up for them.
Our company is looking to sponsor an East Valley Rails/Ruby group in 
conjunction with the current North Scottsdale Ruby Users Group.  I have 
seen a few rails posts to this list and threads like this on how to 
"learn" stuff.  If we put on a Rails Bootcamp is there anyone here that 
would be interested?  Are people willing to pay for instruction on this 
kind of thing?  Maybe it makes sense to add some "tracks" to our 

Interested in feedback.

Derek Neighbors
Integrum Technologies
"Redefining IT"

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