programming on linux

Josh Coffman josh_coffman at
Tue Jan 24 13:30:57 MST 2006

--- Vaughn Treude <vltreude at> wrote:

> On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 12:18, Matt Nesteruk wrote:
> > Perl is where its at.
> >  
> > cheq out
> >  
> > :o)
> I also recommend learning C/C++, not necessarily
> because these languages
> are better (or the fact that I myself have used them
> for many years) but
> because so much open source is written in them. 
> Although I'd like to
> learn Perl and Python some day, I haven't yet run
> into a situation where
> I needed to do that, because there's almost always a
> C/C++
> implementation.
> Vaughn

I think the languages on my list are Python,
Java(easiest for me), and to brush up on C++. And PHP
as needed.

I'd like to learn Ruby and Perl, but I already have
more things on my list than I have time for.

Sounds like starting with Java, since it would be the
easiest for me would be good. Then either learn Python
or freshen up on C++.

Shin zen ni rei
Registered Linux user number 403109

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