Report: Linux presentation in east Mesa
Jerry Davis
jdawgaz at
Wed Jan 18 19:20:24 MST 2006
On Wednesday 18 January 2006 02:17 am, Eric "Shubes" wrote:
> der.hans wrote:
> > moin, moin,
> >
> > I got the following from someone else:
> >
> > ###
> > I have had a request from the Mesa Senior Center to present information
> > on Linux and linux programs that can be use to a Mesa Computer Club on
> > the 16th of January. I have been trying to reach you and Alan to see if
> > you could come and do a presentation with me on Linux OS for this group.
> > As far as I know they are living in a senior park on Elsworth just south
> > of Baseline in Mesa and they are planning for Linux to be their subject
> > of interest for a meeting scheduled 16th of January from about 7:00 pm
> > until 9:00 pm. The contact point is Richard Nash at the Mesa Senior
> > Center. ###
> >
> > If you're interested in giving a presentation next week please let me
> > know and I'll put you in contact with the person who made the request of
> > me.
> >
> > ciao,
> >
> > der.hans
> Sorry for the delay, but here's my report and follow-up of the event.
> <report>
> The meeting took place at Los Palmas, a senior (if I can use that word
> w/out offending anyone) community on Ellsworth just south of Baseline.
> Ralph Prowell, Jerry Davis, Ben Trussel and I (your humble corespondent)
> were on hand representing PLUG. There were 28 or so attendees.
> Our host Bud Rolley began the meeting by welcoming all the attendees. He
> explained that this was an inaugural meeting, the purpose of which was
> hopefully to establish some direction for the group. As such, the
> meeting was very open ended, with welcomed user participation. Little
> did we (the PLUG presenters) know what was in store.
> Bud turned the meeting over to Ralph, who gave a nice overview of Linux
> and GNU. Ben then talked a bit about open source. There was some
> discussion (brought about by questions from the attendees) about hackers
> and crackers with Ralph and Ben. Jerry chimed in with an explanation of
> how user accounts protect the system files from malicious activity. The
> subject of Apache vs IIS was discussed. The question of drive letters
> was asked, and the linux file system was touched on relative to drives.
> Jerry then took the helm and talked about available desktops: gnome and
> kde.
> After various q&a, the meeting came to discuss what it is this group
> wants to accomplish. This group (they don't have a name or identity yet,
> although one was suggested) represents 30+ computer user groups in the
> valley, composed of various senior centers (mobile home parks, if you
> will) throughout the east valley. Thus I began (late in the meeting) to
> realize that this group is the tip of an iceberg, as user groups go.
> There seemed to be a lot of interest in linux, with very little
> knowledge of what linux is. They appeared to discover that they are
> primarily interested in (FOSS) applications, more so than in linux
> specifically. IMHO, what this group (of groups) is looking for is
> training and information.
> At the end of the meeting Bud asked that everyone go back to their
> individual clubs and come up with a document (emailed to Bud) specifying
> what it is they want to accomplish from this group. That document is due
> in 3 weeks or so, and Bud will digest the results. There will be another
> meeting February 20 (3rd Monday of the month) to move forward. PLUG was
> requested to attend, and I, your humble corespondent, volunteered. ;)
> Everyone's participation is to be commended, especially given the ad
> hoc, preliminary nature of the meeting. I think that people left with a
> positive attitude. 20 or so Ubuntu CD sets departed with attendees.
> </report>
> <follow-up>
> I talked with Hans (and others) at Stammtich about the event. He will
> contact Ralph who will put him in touch with Bud. I had mentioned at the
> meeting that a mailing list for the group might be useful, and the idea
> was well received. Hans will work out details with Bud for a new mailing
> list (plug-appl or some such), and get it implemented, with appropriate
> notification/integration on the web site.
> Dennis, being the applications guru that he is ;) , volunteered to ride
> along with me to next month's meeting. I'm sure that he'll be a welcome
> sight to Joe Zagar and the Sunland LUG (they have very high regards for
> Dennis, apropos). Any other PLUGgers are more than welcome to attend.
> The only other thing that comes to mind from this meeting is
> InstallFests. We encouraged everyone to attend our regular event(s). Joe
> Zagar has been to four already (March, April, September, October '05),
> and thankfully he and the Sunland group are up and running. This is a
> large need for this group (these groups). Perhaps we could take an
> InstallFest or two "on the road", so to speak, and give a targeted jump
> start to some select groups. Just a thought (Alex and others).
> </follow-up>
> Feedback welcome (of course).
let me add my $0.02 here.
these 30 or so people represent 20-30 people in their own groups.
we have a BIG opportunity here. but it will take mentoring, and many hours (at
least at first) of intense hand-holding of people who are only used to doing
things one way - the windows way.
if only 5 people in each of the 30 groups try linux, that represents 150
people who need lots of help at first.
we need real commitment here. but the gains would be TREMENDOUS. do you know
how many seniors live (at least part time) in the phoenix area? lots, and
they talk to one another! just think of what we could do here.
i suggest that if we want to further the cause, we should be more proactive
rather than passive about our help to them. saying RTFM will not suffice
here. I have direct experience with mentoring a "senior citizen", it takes
time and effort and PATIENCE. sooner or later they will get it. and when they
do we will be rewarded.
i support what eric says about taking the install fest to them.
putting up a list for this would be fine, but we need to be mentors.
i for one volunteer.
i hope this didn't come across as a rant, i just wanted to let you know what
kind of commitment this will be.
Hobbit Name: Pimpernel Loamsdown
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