plug] RHEL/CentOS Repository clues

Victor Odhner vodhner at
Fri Jan 13 19:01:22 MST 2006

R P Herrold <herrold at> wrote:

> the php source RPM contains what is needed to produce the binary 
> sub-package 'php-mysql'

I more recently took it up to php 5, and php-mysql is explicitly not 
included in that version. They decided not to tie them together.

So I had to get it from dag's repo. All good now, except for routine 

> -- Please join us in #centos on as is indicated on 
> the CentOS websites if you need further support.

Thanks for the suggestion, but IRC is not an option for me. I have to do 
it asynchronously.

BTW, is that IRC channel archived? It would be nice if all those gems of 
knowledge could come up in a search.

Thanks again,


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