Rsh works one direction

Matt Alexander lowbassman at
Sun Jan 1 10:19:30 MST 2006

Matt Alexander wrote:
> Roderick Ford wrote:
>> Okay Darrin,
>> I do have a question for you.
>> Is rsh bad for security on an internal LAN if the members of the LAN
>> are fully trusted?
>> The situation is this: I use ssh as my PVM_RSH already for the Linux
>> boxes, but am trying to pull in the childrens' Windows (please excuse
>> the bad language) boxes using PVM3.4.  So if my 5 year oldest child
>> wants to hack into my internal boxes via the insecurities of RSH, then
>> I will encourage him to do so at my expense, for his experience. 
>> However, behind my firewall that gives me some sense of security, is
>> rsh still a external network risk?
>> Rod
> You could also use SSH with PVM if you want to give your 5 year old a
> bigger challenge.  ;-)
> Set  PVM_RSH=/usr/bin/ssh and setup password-less logins with
> ssh-keygen.  This would simplify your server config too.
> ~M

D'oh!  Where's that retract email button again.  I just reread your
email and you already said you're using SSH with PVM.  Gah, I was up too
late last night...
Ooh!  What's that over there?!?!  <Matt darts out of the virtual room>

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