resend - need email server recommendation

Alex Dean alex at
Tue Feb 28 10:55:16 MST 2006

On Feb 28, 2006, at 10:32 AM, Mike Garfias wrote:

> Also, I just thought of something.  Exim & Qmail are not exactly  
> Sendmail
> compatible.  If you have something on your system that calls  
> sendmail (the
> binary), Exim and Qmail may not work properly.  Postfix is Sendmail
> compatible, and won't break things.

Qmail includes a 'sendmail' binary.  It's a wrapper that takes all  
the sendmail arguments and passes them to qmail correctly.  You  
symlink your normal sendmail location to this wrapper, and all is well.

> [alex at web1 alex]$ ls -l /usr/sbin/sendmail
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 23 Sep 12 18:14 /usr/sbin/sendmail -> /var/ 
> qmail/bin/sendmail

Regarding qmail's complexity - I am nothing close to an email expert  
and I have no doubt that qmail is more complex than I'm really aware  
of.  But I was able to set it up to do exactly what I want with just  
a few days of reading and tinkering.  (I did the whole process  
several times just to be sure I knew what was going on.)  I beat my  
head against Exim configuration for much longer and got nowhere, so  
qmail was a very nice surprise.


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