?: Cox vs QWEST

Kurt Granroth plug-discuss at granroth.org
Tue Feb 14 09:57:45 MST 2006

On Tuesday 14 February 2006 08:46, Dan Lund wrote:
> On 2/13/06, John Seth <johnseth at phoenixwing.com> wrote:
> > they also block ANY port 25 traffic (in/out), and port 80.  I haven't
> > tried any other ports, but I hope they'd block windows ports, I don't
> > want my neighbor seeing my systems, not that I'd let them).
> They do block Windows ports, but they don't block 25 outbound.  I use
> 25 outbound alot to other smtp servers, and it works.  They block 80
> yes, but 443 is functional.

You may be the exception, there.  Cox blocks outgoing port 25 (other than to 
their own SMTP servers) for me and every other Cox HSI customer I know.  I 
use one of my host's SMTP servers on port 465 to get around that.

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