?: Cox vs QWEST

Kurt Granroth plug-discuss at granroth.org
Mon Feb 13 18:37:19 MST 2006

On Feb 13, 2006, at 4:12 PM, Mark Jarvis wrote:
> 3) QWEST promises download speed of 1+ MByte/sec. (This doesn't  
> sound correct to me--I thought that DSL was slower, but . . .)

That doesn't sound right.  Maybe 1MBit/s or so would be more likely.   
I don't think I've ever seen any network throughput advertised in  
megabytes per second.  Cox is typically thought of as the faster  
service and I think it offers 5 MBit/s.  1 MByte/s would be  
(roughly!) 8 MBit/s.

Hrm.. now that I think of it, Cox bumped their download speed a few  
months back.  I wonder if they are more than 8 MBit/s these days.  I  
do know that my downloads have been noticeably faster.  In the past,  
I was happy with 450KByte/s but now I often get over 600KByte/s


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