OT: web design and screen resolution
Joseph Huber
joe.huber at cox.net
Mon Feb 6 20:05:02 MST 2006
----- Original Message -----
From: "Siri Amrit Kaur" <tigerflag at tigerflag.com>
To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us>
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: OT: web design and screen resolution
> On Monday 06 February 2006 12:46 am, Joseph Huber kindly wrote:
> Use a fluid CSS layout that will expand and contract according to the
> viewers'
> needs. Go for web standards so that your pages will render correctly in
> most
> browsers. Avoid fixed-fonts; let people make their fonts bigger or smaller
> as
> they like. Don't make your pictures too big at the higher resolution, or
> they'll be enormous at 800x600 and may break the layout .
> My site (see sig) is pretty nice at 1024x768 and 800x600. I've never seen
> it
> on a 19" monitor, so I don't know how it is on that. The fonts are pretty
> big
> at 800x600, but believe it or not, a lot of people have bad eyesight and
> like
> larger fonts. The majority of monitors in use are set for 1024x768, and
> the
> second highest users are using 800x600. That may vary depending on your
> market. Maybe you're selling something to people who like the latest and
> greatest in hardware, and more of them will have bigger monitors.
> There are lots of free CSS templates available on the web that you can
> experiment with. I started with one that had the features I wanted and
> played
> around with the fonts and colors, then I sent it to a graphic artist who,
> for
> very little money, tweaked it to make it prettier. There are also tools
> you
> can use to see how your pages look in different browsers.
Interesting website... actually I am redesigning my wife's (who's graduating
from SCNM this summer) natural medicine site that I 1st put together a
little over a year and a half ago. For a 1st attempt at a website I suppose
it was okay but I've been thinking, for over a year at this point, that we
ought to be able to do better.
In any event I am trying to base everything on 1 (or 2) style sheets in the
redesign. I'm using the "rant" over at the noodle incident as a starting
point http://www.thenoodleincident.com/tutorials/design_rant/index.html. The
right hand menu layout has sort of grown on me but I haven't been able to
get a <div> that will extend the footer across the bottom of the page (it
floats below the text in the main column or becomes a part of the "menu"
which runs longer than the main column). I moved the menu over to the left
side yesterday... but that leaves me with problems with the 2 columns
running over top of each other if I start shrinking the window or resize the
font and a "lopsided feel" (I'm being technical here) at either 800x600 or
> HTH,
> Siri Amrit
> --
> Tigerflag Natural Perfumery, LLC
> www.tigerflag.com
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