OT Subversion/CVS client auto update

Nick Estes nick at nickstoys.com
Thu Dec 7 10:55:14 MST 2006

On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, der.hans wrote:

> Am 06. Dec, 2006 schwätzte Rob Wultsch so:
>> I am setting up subversion for my employer, and have a few questions.
>> The dev server is running 2k Server with apache 1.3.34. We have
>> successfully setup subversion on the server but a new requirement has
>> popped up and I am not sure how to deal with it. We had planned to
>> have htdocs be a checked out version version of trunk, but it has been
>> requested that whenever a developer commits to trunk that the htdocs
>> would automatically pull an update by itself.
>> I have no idea how to perform this. Any suggestions would be appreciated
> Let me know when you find out :).
> I believe there's a log module that'll spit out messages when stuff checks
> in, so you should at least be able to react to incoming email.
> I wrote a wrapper for my config files and would now like to automagically
> kick them off when the config files get changed.

Making subversion do things on commit is easy.  In the subversion 
repository's directory, look for a directory called hooks.  In there by 
default is a set of template files for each place in the process where you 
can do things.  For my own setup, I have a post-commit script that updates 
the appropriate website when a commit is done.  It's also handy with rails 
apps because you can have it restart dispatch processes or whatever else 
you need.  The script can be in whatever language is handy (bash, ruby, 
csh, elisp...)

I also used to do this with cvs using their log mechanism to call a script 
instead of a mailer, but subversion is much cleaner.


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