[OT] wanted: (pre-owned?) laptop

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 30 10:08:53 MST 2006

I would never buy used unless I know the person and I'm getting a really good deal.

Dell has lots of special offers.  If you are not in a hurry you may be able to get a real good rebate.


Mike Schwartz <mike.l.schwartz at gmail.com> wrote: On 8/17/06, Darrin Chandler <dwchandler at stilyagin.com> wrote: On Thu, Aug 17, 2006 at 08:26:47PM -0700, Mike Schwartz wrote:
> I am interested in buying a laptop PC,
> up to 3, 4 years old (maybe younger);
> as long as it has a
> working wifi,
> [mozilla] browser, 
> and typical stuff such as
> a charger for the battery,
> a USB port,
> and a CD or DVD drive.
> Is that too much to ask?
> How much should I expect to pay?
> If I am not in a hurry, is it better 
> to buy it over the net ("mail order"?).
> I will probably pay by credit card.
> ...it's needed to be able to access
> (web-based) e-mail when out of town.

RedSeven does this kind of thing, and I think they do it pretty well. 

And there's always eBay. ;)

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at stilyagin.com   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/ 
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |

Darrin Chandler,
Your reply [above] was the first one 
(lightning fast; - within minutes),  
and IMO one of the best.
I decided to try RedSeven partly because 
of the impresssion I got of that co., from
attending the Aug. "West Side" PLUG meeting.
I went to the 1645 E Camelback store Monday. 
They referred me to their Mesa "Outlet" store.
I called there on Tues., [Aug. 29] and went 
there Tues evening to order it.
Their enthusiasm for gnu/Linux, and help/support 
(potentially) for PLUG, were among the factors 
I considered - along with the IBM brand name
on the hardware, and the price seemed 
reasonable - especially considering what those 
IBM ThinkPad T22  's used to go for, "new".
Mike Schwartz     
Glendale  AZ 
schwartz at acm.org
Mike.L.Schwartz at gmail.com ---------------------------------------------------
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