Alex Dean alex at crackpot.org
Wed Aug 9 17:19:36 MST 2006

On Aug 8, 2006, at 8:17 PM, Richard Wilson wrote:

> I saw Alan's note about sending out the scripts he uses to make  
> synergy
> run and thought I'd pass mine along -- critiques welcome.  I don't  
> know
> if you tunnel your Synergy traffic through SSH or not, Alan, but you
> should ;-)

Hey.  It was me (Alex), not Alan who wrote that. :)  And I definitely  
tunnel Synergy over ssh.

The scripts I wrote aren't Synergy configuration.  They're to help  
make the server and client easy to start.  The script for the client  
machine does this :
  - Is an ssh tunnel established to the server?  If not, open one.   
If so, skip.
  - Is the synergy client started?  If not, start it.  Otherwise, skip.

I am meaning to change it so it will kill/restart a running synergy  
client.  Sometimes screensavers and such break the client/server  
connection, and though the client is still running, its not connected  
to anything and is useless.  In that case, I've been running 'kill'  
manually, then rerunning the shell script to start things up again.


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