Quick iptables help

Eric "Shubes" plug at shubes.net
Thu Aug 3 17:27:40 MST 2006

Alan Dayley wrote:
> I haven't taken the time to understand iptables and now I need to write a
> few rules.
> - Computer has 3 NICs: eth0 eth1 eth2
> - I want to add the rules to /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.local
> - Rules are:
> -- drop everything from eth0 to eth1
> -- drop everything from eth1 to eth0
> -- allow everything from eth1 to eth2
> Anyone have any sample rules to share that will speed my learning?  In
> other words, anyone want to write the rules for me?  ;^)
> Alan
It'd be a lot easier if you post your rc.firewall.local.

-Eric 'shubes'

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