addendum: more link(s) [continued to be: Re: DMCA V2 and you]

Technomage technomage-hawke at
Tue Apr 25 22:52:23 MST 2006

here's something from technology review:

On Tuesday 25 April 2006 22:10, Technomage wrote:
> Below was typed by a friend of mine who has quite the knack for seeing
> trends detrimental to the rest of us. heeding his words is highly
> advisable.
> I suggest further that folks spread this as widely as possible (IOW, tell
> your friends, co-workers, etc. TELL ANYBODY who will listen!!!).
> ************ from appleseed3 ************
>  It will be known as the Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2006. Read
> more here. (
> The bottom line is, if this passes, you have no more "Fair use" rights at
> all. It's so serious in fact, that it would be hard not to be guilty of
> breaking this proposed law if you own any sort of media content. (read the
> article) This means your poor parents, or you will be going away for 10
> years! per infraction. You like to "rip a DVD" to your laptop to save your
> battery life on a trip? Under this new legislation you'll be a criminal,
> and by their reasoning a "terrorist" too? If you're too young, they take
> your parents away in your place.
> This is no longer a wait, and see, if the RIAA/MPAA gets their laws thrown
> out for abuse. They're making their new laws even more hostile to
> consumers.
> I suggest a mass boycott (wikipedia) of all "Big Content" when this new law
> passes onto the books. Cancel your Cable TV, and Satellite. Tell them why
> when you cancel your service! Call up the anime redistributors, and make
> them understand that you'll buy no more anime. Tell them about the DMCAv2.
> Tell your friends, and their families. We buy no more DVDs, CDs, or
> anything while this law is on the books. If it stays on the books donate
> ALL of your DVDs to the MPAA, and ALL of your CDs to the RIAA. Even owning
> them puts your whole family at risk.TEN years in prison is not worth your
> latest episode of Inu Yasha.
> ---------------------------------------------------
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