PLUG Policies

Alan Dayley alandd at
Thu Apr 13 15:22:43 MST 2006

Jason Etchason said:
> Because I am new to the group, I am not aware of any rules, regulations,
> etc.  I am wondering if there is a problem if I attempt to record the LUG
> on
> a mini voice recorder.  I have some friends outside of phoenix that would
> probably enjoy listening in on some of what's going on, but I do not want
> to
> impose if it is viewed as unethical for whatever reason.

(The following is based on my understanding of copyright and my thoughts
on how it should work.  Corrections invited.)

- Permission to record the speech or presentation at a PLUG meeting must
be requested from the copyright holder.
- The copyright of the speech or presentation is held by the presenter,
- Therefore, you must ask the presenter for permission and follow their
- Also ask if you can distribute copies of your recording, if that is your
- All such arrangements are between the presenter and the person doing the
recording.  PLUG is not the "middle man" in these situations.

(The above ignores fair-use which, as I understand it, would allow anyone
to record for their own consumption.  (IANAL))

>From a courtesy standpoint it makes sense to ask the presenter if pictures
or recordings are OK with them.  They may be camera shy or whatever. 
Then, do what they ask.

Tonight's presentation is scheduled to be recorded by two Google
camera-persons.  The video will be edited and placed on Google Video.  At
least, that is the plan last I heard.


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