Review of the 10 most popular distros

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Sun Apr 2 07:49:47 MST 2006

Mike wrote:

>is freebsd the same way?
>what is the differ3ence between the different bsd's?
>there is open and free and ..... what else .... college (?)

I'm not sure if FreeBSD supports as many out of the box. It may. There's 
a lot of code sharing, and also the big push was to get *specs* from 
vendors so drivers may have been shared or written from specs.

The differences between BSDs aren't easy for me to explain briefly and 
still do them justice. There are some common characterizations out 
there  such as OpenBSD is secure and NetBSD is portable, but OpenBSD is 
almost as portable and NetBSD is pretty secure. While Linux is only the 
kernel and the various distros make differing and complete systems, each 
BSD is a complete integrated operating system. So you don't run *the* 
BSD kernel and use the FreeBSD distro. Instead, you use FreeBSD which is 
the whole tamale.

For a brief, general intro see

The major BSDs are:

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
dwchandler at   |  |

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