apt confusion

der.hans PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Thu Sep 15 14:32:23 MST 2005

Am 15. Sep, 2005 schwätzte Alex Dean so:

> Interesting.  Are you referring to qMail pop server or qMail MTA?  Care
> to elaborate as to why?

I don't like the setup for qmail. djb wants to make it a pain to use it,
so I don't use it :). He also refuses ( last I looked ) to patch qmail to
keep it from being used as an anonymous mail redirector. debian's packages
have the fix. I presume the other thing you mentioned does as well.

> You could still talk me out of qMail, but I think I definitely want to
> get away from exim.  Trying to configure it was a PITA, and posting
> questions here about it didn't draw much response.

Sorry, I haven't paid attention for a while. I'm not an exim expert, but
I've been using it off and on for a few years.

I've been recommending postfix for a while. I also run it. I do have a
pretty static setup, so I tend to get my MTA working and not worry about
it again until there's a major version upgrade.

debian's installs for exim and postfix will handle most basic setups ( I
had one handle my MXen and relays for me last week ). If I need/want more
than that I find that postfix is usually documented fairly well via
examples. Then again, I don't do anything too weird.


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