Favorite Dist (was Silent list?)

Kenneth madhse at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 09:57:17 MST 2005

I'm the opposite.  50% or more of what I do with the
computer is "fiddling".  Besides what I have
installed, I've also messed with slackware and lfs,
getting everything set up to where it was "usable" at

There's always something new to learn.  Two of my old
habits cause everything to break with FC4.  I'm in the
habit of getting the latest vanilla kernel and
compiling that as one of the first steps after
installation, and I normally skip the initrd.  The
problems I saw with FC4 were first, if you don't use
the initrd in boot, the devices don't get set up (udev
doesn't get to run), and kernel panics when it can't
open console.  The second problem was the SELINUX
that's enabled.  Seems it has a problem if you switch
kernels back and forth (I suspect this is a
configuration issue, but I haven't had time to
investigate yet).

--- Simon Chatfield <sjchatfield at yahoo.com> wrote:

> It's funny how times have changed. I have been using
> linux since 95 (0.92 I think) and I used to love
> tweaking it and recompiling the kernel to get ever
> last ounce of CPU out of the machines. I have run
> several flavors of linux over the years, but lately
> I'm just a fan of having things work and not having
> to
> fiddle with them. :)
> I'm now using Redhat 9 through FC4 on about 10
> different machines, but mostly because it's easiest
> (for me) to maintain. In the 90s I really liked
> Enlightenment and Window Maker, but now I'm just a
> Gnome user.
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