mplayer-gui disappears

Josh Coffman josh_coffman at
Thu Sep 1 12:25:16 MST 2005

Hi all (oder: 'Tag alle),

  Quick summery: mplayer-gui flickers a small window
and disappears in the blink of an eye.

  This is a once step forward - two steps back
problem. I've been working on getting video streaming
to work (in firefox) and mostly have gotten it. I
worked through the problem on my laptop then
implemented the solution on my desktop also.

  The desktop is fine, but I must have messed up
something in tinkering on the laptop. mplayer-gui was
previous working. In my tinkering I had also installed
then remove Kaffiene. When I discovered it I used
Yumex to remove and re-install mplayer and its
components. The mplayerplug-in still works with
streaming, but the mplayer-gui still has the same

  Is there somewhere to find a log to see what's
happening? Anyoone seen this before or know a fix?


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