Announce: New website up!

Alan Dayley alandd at
Mon Oct 31 14:16:55 MST 2005

The new PLUG website is now up!

Working in the group on plug-webdev email list, we now have the base of
the new site up and running.  Please visit and start contributing!  We

- Getting Started articles
- Links
- Reviews
- Comments and suggestions
- Etc.

We know it is not yet perfect but there are efforts underway to improve
and build on this base.  Content is always king and we need the input of
all who wish to help.

Currently the site is only available at is *not* working yet but we are addressing

We want to thank Integrum Technologies ( for
providing the host for the new site.

We also thank the Joomla! development team ( for a
great content management system.

I thank all the PLUGgers that have been in plug-webdev offering help and
advice.  I expect our work has just begun now that we have the base to
build on.


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