ipod & linux (fedora)

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Mon Oct 31 13:01:45 MST 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 10:16 -0800, Josh Coffman wrote:
> So I just got an ipod shuffle for my wife. She loves
> it; great replacement for her radio when she goes for
> a run.
> I installed gtkPod, but didn't do anything else. Got
> the music and plugged in the shuffle and... well I
> couldn't connect so I ended up booting windows and
> using iTunes (bleh). 
> I guess the iPod needs to be mounted somehow, but I
> don't know how. And is there a way to enabled
> auto-detection and mounting? I want her to be able to
> manager her music. Mounting a drive is a little much
> to expect from her.
don't know about FC-4

With the gracious help of my friends on this not-always-so-serious-

FC-3 I had to look at /var/log/messages to figure out that when I
plugged into Firewire, it mounted /dev/sdb2 into /media/ARPEGGIO (name
of my iPod apparently upper cases the whole thing).

Anyway, I ended up changing gtkpod preferences to use /media/ARPEGGIO
and set to automount the thing.

I also had to do some other magic incantations to get it to unmount for
the user...

# ls -l /home/craig/.gtkpod/gtkpod.out
-rwxr--r--  1 craig dom_users 160 Sep 26 \
22:26 /home/craig/.gtkpod/gtkpod.out

# cat /home/craig/.gtkpod/gtkpod.out
sudo /usr/bin/eject /dev/sdb2
sudo /sbin/modprobe -r sbp2
sudo /usr/bin/eject /dev/sdb2

# tail /etc/sudoers
# %users  ALL=/sbin/mount /cdrom,/sbin/umount /cdrom
# %users  localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now

# Cmnd alias specification
sbp2_force_inquiry_hack=1, /sbin/rmmod sbp2
Cmnd_Alias IPOD=/sbin/modprobe -r sbp2
Cmnd_Alias EJECT=/usr/bin/eject /dev/sda2,/usr/bin/eject /dev/sdb2
# User privilege specification
craig   ALL=(ALL) ALL



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