How to copy a DVD?

Josef Lowder joe at
Tue Oct 25 23:06:42 MST 2005

Thanks to all who have responded ... but I still can't get it to work. 

I think the question may boil down to: how can I convert the .img 
file that I have into a .iso file?  Somewhere I have read that a Linux 
utility called 'growisofs' is supposed to be able to do that, but I can't 
find how to do that on the 'growisofs' man page. 

Joseph Sinclair last wrote: 
> K3B is generating a "RAW" image file of the DVD (that's the .img file), 
> there may also be another file along with it that contains the TOC(table
> of contents) for the disc.  You need to set the image type to CUE/BIN or 
> TOC (in the dropdown in the upper right corner, might also try 
> auto-detect) in the dialog where you choose the image file, 
> then K3B should be able to handle things from there. 

The only file I can find as a result of using: tools -> DVD -> copy DVD 
is a single .img file and no other files seem to have been generated. 
I cannot find a separate "TOC" file.  However, when I do a command line:  
strings k3b_image.img ... I do see a table of contents listed within the  
.img file. 

You suggested: "You need to set the image type to CUE/BIN or TOC ..." 
I don't know how to do that.  As far as I can tell, there is no "dropdown in 
the upper right corner" ... and I cannot find any "auto-detect" button or 
option in the dialog. 

The first phase of K3B's: Tools -> DVD -> Copy DVD works fine. 
But when I try the second part:  Tools -> DVD -> Burn DVD ISO image 
there is no "Start" button available - it is grayed out, 
and the dialog box says: "Not an ISO 9660 image." 

Every time I have struggled with something like this in the past, it has 
eventually turned out that an amazingly simple one or two or three short 
command line commands was all I really needed.  I'll bet that will 
eventually turn out to be true here, also ... just a very few short commands 
hidden behind a fancy GUI that doesn't work. 

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