Call to plug-webdev

JD Austin jd at
Mon Oct 17 18:23:27 MST 2005

Alan Dayley wrote:

>[Sorry about the double post.  I forgot to put the subject on the previous
>If you are interested in helping with work on the new PLUG website, please
>get subscribed to the plug-webdev email list
>(  This
>week, I intend to use that list for communication on the new PLUG website
>currently under development.
It doesn't appear to be accessable at the moment.
I've been building Mambo (now Joomla) websites for over a year now, I'd 
be more than willing to help.
I'm glad that you decided to go with Joomla; when I first tried Mambo 
about a year and a half ago I realized that I'd probably never build 
another website from scratch again :)


>As you know, the PLUG website was in a state of system admin neglect.  I
>have been the primary caretaker of the content but did not know the
>neglect until it was defaced back in June.  I had mis-understood that
>updates to the CMS were not being performed.  Well, we took this as an
>opportunity to create a new site hosted in the Phoenix, Arizona area. 
>What a concept!
>The hosting is set with a default install of the Joomla!
>( CMS in place.  We will, very soon, need some
>graphics developed for use on the site and some other site sub-admins as
>we build the web-based side of the community.  Rather than fill this list
>with discussions about the site and it's needs, let's use the
>underutilized plug-webdev list.
>There are currently 99 subscriptions over there but it is very, very
>quiet.  Starting tomorrow, it will not be quiet!
>PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss at
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JD Austin
Twin Geckos Technology Services LLC
email: jd at
phone/fax: 480.288.8195 

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