control of the internet

Siri Amrit Kaur tigerflag at
Thu Oct 6 13:08:10 MST 2005

On Thursday 06 October 2005 12:20 pm Josh Coffman kindly wrote:
> Anyone else a little uneasy about handing over control
> of the internet to a coalition of countries?
> Not that I think ICANN is perfect, just that the
> recent history of organizations like the UN leave me
> distrustful of their ability to effectively & fairly
> govern anything. let alone the internet.
> For example, UN Oil-For-Food scandal:
> google for more.
> Purporting good intentions is often the mask of
> incompetence and malisciousness.
Scares the heck out of me. What are our options? Been reading 
commentaries on /. --curious what people on this list think we should 

Siri Amrit

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