too many choices (distros)

Kenneth madhse at
Wed Oct 5 16:05:25 MST 2005

--- "Jeremy C. Reed" <reed at> wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Oct 2005, Micah DesJardins wrote:
> > As much as we keep talking about the differences, the reality is (for me
> at
> > least) that there really aren't that many big differences:
> >
> > Basically you're looking at .deb distros, .rpm distros, or source
> distros.
> > Beyond that it's all about the distro philosophy, the relative "speed" of
> > the project's distribution cycle, community/third party support and what
> it
> > is you're looking for in a distribution.
> >
> > Anybody else feel the same? (or differently?)
> Also:
> - project goals? Where the project be in a few years?
> - preferred licensing?

And in the case of businesses, for some its worth paying RedHat for
"professional support."  I have no experience with that, so I don't know if
its worth what they charge or not, but some managers want accountability for

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