too many choices (distros)

Darrin Chandler dwchandler at
Wed Oct 5 15:38:17 MST 2005

Josh Coffman wrote:

>(isn't top posting bad form in the list? /don't care
>that much.)
>This isn't the way I hoped the thread would go but oh
>I actually did the 'install, try, and move on'
>approach when I first started getting into linux just
>a few months ago. Yes it was sometimes WAY too time
>consuming, but I learned along the way. I did have a
>bias though... I was looking more for a distro with
>KDE, even though I tried a couple distros with GNOME.
>To each his own. ..and it often seems like each has
>his own [distro].
>...My Short lists...
>Beginner desktop:
>1 SimplyMepis
>2 Ubuntu (based on popularity and articles)
>Intermediate Desktop:
>1 SimplyMepis (simple and installs in 15-20 minutes)
>2 Fedora Core
>3 Mandriva
>Techie's Toy desktop(beyond my skill):
>1 Gentoo
>2 Slackware
>3 Source-Based distros
>Corporate desktop
>1 Suse
>2 Mandriva or Mepis Corp Edition
>3 Fedora Core/RH
>Personal server:
>1 Fedora Core (its what I know best)
>2 Debian 
>Corp/Commercial server:
>1 Red Hat (commercial support, know lots of places use
>2 Debian 

Okay, you've been at this a few months and you've been more informative 
than DistroWatch. Nice. :)

Darrin Chandler
dwchandler at

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