too many choices (distros)

Ben Browning plug at
Wed Oct 5 12:28:00 MST 2005

Josh Coffman wrote:
>   How about a little banter about distros? What are
> you using and why? Anyone consider things like boot
> time, trimness of the distro, included soft packages &
> version, window manager?

The only version I use these days is Debian.

I work with linux all day (and night) every day (and most nights). I run
Debian on my home desktop/fileserver, my laptop, and roughly 40 servers
in a production environment. I look for security and stability first and
foremost- the last thing I need is a patch that crashes my browser or a
new daemon version that does not work at all. After that I prefer a
breadth of software available(and it's hard to beat Debian in that
regard- literally almost anything GPLed is packaged for Debian).

Debian makes managing patches easy, and I have *never* in 2 years of
using it had a stable patch break anything[1].

[1] With the exception of exim clobbering my sendmail syminks to qmail,
but then I learned about dpkg-divert
"Confession only helps if you actually feel bad for your actions.
For you, it would just be a really long boast."

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