What to use instead of Samba?

Dan Lund situationalawareness at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 10:12:58 MST 2005

Okay Victor, here is a (sanitized/altered) smb.conf file I use.
Granted, this is setup to authenticate against the NT4 PDC.
But, the setup of samba users locally is really documented heavily on
samba.org's documentation.  The rest should get you on the right

The @admin and @marketing are unix groups.

# Global parameters
	workgroup = MY_DOMAIN
	server string = My Server
	encrypt passwords = Yes
	password server = pdc1 bdc1 bdc2
	log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
	max log size = 50
	socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
	dns proxy = No
	local master = Yes
	wins server =
	create mask = 0770
	directory mask = 0770

#	comment = Home Directory
#	read only = No
#	create mask = 0700
#	directory mask = 0700
#	browseable = No

#	comment = All Printers
#	path = /var/spool/samba
#	print ok = Yes
#	browseable = No

#	comment = Shared Office Files
#	path = /home/shared
#	force group = users
#	read only = No
[Field Backup]
	comment = Field Backup Files
	write list = @admin,root
	force create mode = 775
	create mode = 0775
	force directory mode = 775
	valid users = nlund
	directory mode = 0775
	force group = admin
	path = /backup
	browseable = no

	comment = journal
	valid users = nlund
	admin users = nlund
	write list = @journal
	force group = journal
	directory mode = 770
	path = /journal	
        create mask = 770
	directory mask = 770

        comment = marketing
        valid users = nlund
        admin users = nlund
        write list = @marketing
        force group = marketing
        directory mode = 770
        path = /marketing
        create mask = 770
        directory mask = 770

On 11/21/05, Victor Odhner <vodhner at cox.net> wrote:
> OK, well I might relent and try it again if someone would
> forward to me an exact copy of their SMB iptables rules and
> their smb.conf file -- I'd be willing to plug these in and give
> them a shot (making only obvious changes).  I didn't consult
> the PLUG list because I was busy going through vast numbers
> of Google hits on "path was not found" and I really doubt
> anyone can add to the list of "did you try this?" items.

To exercise power costs effort and demands courage. That is why so
many fail to assert rights to which they are perfectly entitled -
because a right is a kind of power but they are too lazy or too
cowardly to exercise it.  The virtues which cloak these faults are
called patience and forbearance.
Friedrich Nietzsche

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