Google, sysadm and glocks

Robert N. Eaton moth28 at
Thu Nov 17 11:10:48 MST 2005

Ed Skinner wrote:
> On Thursday 17 November 2005 07:47, Mike Garfias top-posted:
>> Where do the glocks come in?
>      What, you've never aerated argumentative media with 45 ACP, added 22 
> caliber waves to a hard disk platter or warmed up a system with 
> armor-piercing incendiary rounds from an automatic weapon?
>      What *are* they teaching in schools these days? My, my.
>      FYI: I wear my GNU baseball cap to the range. Most of the shooters know 
> what it means (there are lots of software jocks that shoot) but, every now 
> and then I get a funny look as if they are wondering at the spelling.
And then, of course, there is the famous Mark Twain quote, "... trying 
to think .44 caliber thoughts with a .22 caliber mind."  This, 
naturally, doesn't apply to anyone on the PLUG list ;-).

Bob Eaton

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