Ubuntu, OEM, and retail linux machines

Josh Coffman josh_coffman at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 12:47:22 MST 2005

Well, I've not been one who is swooning for Ubuntu, but neither against it either.
  Lately, there's been some interesting news from Ubuntu world though.
  So I started thinking maybe, just maybe they can break into the windows  market and on retail machines. The more I thought about it, the more I  hope for it. I believe a rising tide floats all ships... as such,  Ubuntu breaking into the windows market would help all other flavors of  linux. Maybe I'm dreaming here, but I think it would be great if people  went to Best Buy or Dell.com and could buy an Ubuntu machine. Am I  dreaming?
  /somebody wake me up, I'm supposed to be working

Shin zen ni rei
Registered Linux user number 403109

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