Email tips and etiquette

Josef Lowder joe at
Sat Nov 12 08:45:38 MST 2005

#1. Always be polite. Do not write and send an email when you are angry. 
	- Wait a while. Calm down. Be reasonable. Do not use profanity. 
	- "Profanity exposes ignorance and lack of common sense." 
#2. Always use a clearly stated subject line. 
	- Seeing "no subject" tells the recipient you had nothing to say 
	or you don't know what you are talking about. 
	- Change the subject line if you change topics in a thread. 
#3. Keep emails short. Use attachments or link to a web page for long info. 
	- If you refer to an attachment, make sure you attach it. 
#4. Reread and double-check everything twice before you hit "send" 
	a) Make sure you are sending to the right person. 
	b) In fact, do not even put the receipient's name in the send line 
	until you are finished writing and rechecking your message. 
	c) Have someone else preview and critique important messages. 
#5. Things to avoid: 
	a) Avoid HTML. Use plain text. 
	b) DO NOT use all UPPERCASE - the email equivalent of yelling. 
	c) Avoid using explanation marks, especially multiples. 
	d) DO NOT forward poems, jokes, virus warnings, etc. 
	unless the receipient has previously agreed to receive them. 
#6. Consider using your own domain name instead of a generic ISP's. 
	Get one from GoDaddy for only $8.95 per year. 

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