OT: Fair use, DRM and rootkits

Technomage technomage-hawke at cox.net
Fri Nov 4 19:36:00 MST 2005

On Friday 04 November 2005 13:29, Shawn Badger wrote:
> Looks like someone at Sony was feeling a little pressure.
> http://www.infoworld.com/article/05/11/03/HNsonypatch_1.html?source=NLC-TB2

it still didn't remove the problem. I have w windows box here that is now 
useless to me for ANYTHING (I use it for data formats and applications not 
yet available under linux or runnable under wine).

Their little DRM (a la rootkit) did a lot more damage. it disabled my adaptive 
technology. now its going to cost me some real $$$ (about $500.00) from the 
vendor of my speech synth software to get a new code key to reinstall my 
package (I so hate "Jaws for Windows" for this reason!).

Sent a polite letter over to sony BMG explaining the problem. all I got back 
was a form letter, a link to their patch and nothing else (patch didn't 
repair the damage, only made it worse).

if I had the $$$, I'd hire a class action attorney.

as it is, I might be able to get American Freedom Science (the vendors for 
JFW) to waive the fee (good luck!).

Sony just earned a place in the "never purchase product lines of..." category.



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